

Have you ever had a less than desirable experience from a sleazy sales rep that left you with a sour taste in your mouth?For Chris Spurvey, it was when his parents were suckered into buying a $3,000 vacuum (that they couldn't afford) back in the 80's.That's a lot of money right, and back then probably a good portion of a house deposit.It's experiences like these, that we hold onto as entrepreneurs that stop us from selling our products and services confidently.It's what drives us to outsource our sales before anything else, or worse, give away our own stuff for free or for less than it's worth as we don't want to come across to pushy.We're avoiding sales, but at what cost?Chris believes this is our biggest mistake as entrepreneurs and often where most businesses fail, because we avoid communicating the value of our products or services with our own clients.We think somebody else can do it better, when in fact we are the ones with the passion and the drive that started this business in the first place.I am so