

I believe that every single person who has skills and knowledge, when combined with a love for what they do and know, can monetise all of this and get paid to be themselves.And not just because that's exactly what I did 9 years ago when I started the Suitcase Entrepreneur blog....although that's certainly made me more bias!I had no freaking idea that I would end up building a business from my blog by tapping into my sweetspot, the intersection of what you know, what you're good at and what you can get paid for.But it's more than just that, it's combining ALL of you, into something that people are willing to invest in, and becoming someone they want to learn from.Looking back to my childhood, school days and what I naturally enjoyed and was good at, through to my University days, jobs I landed, people I hung out with, activities I did and I realized that what I ended up building, was really an extension of all the things I LOVE to do.Add in a ton of value for others and you have yourself a perfect platform fro