

I’ve never been a big fan of over planning, of strategizing the night away, and getting lost in the detail.And I’ve always been in favour of less is more, keep it simple and being able to see your big vision on just one piece of paper.This is why I first developed the infamous ‘One Page Biz Plan’ template back in 2012 and have been using it ever since.Yes, shock horror, a lady who creates a tool and actually uses it herself, even if she did take a 6 month break from setting any business goals – which I also advocate for, when you’re really not feeling it.That was the case for me recently, so I just let myself not plan and instead focused on the impact I wanted to make, how I wanted to add value and show up in this world.Since that all fell into place in the last few months, I was able to write up my quarterly One Page Biz Plan on April 1st with new refreshing goals and objectives to make this a great 90 days.We all know it can be hard to get clear on our big picture vision and actually follow through with it,