Love, Life, Law of Attraction

Trying to Deal with "Bullies" Isn't Fixing the Bullying Problem



Lisa Cavallaro, coach, author and creator of Bully Spin sees the epidemic of bullying differently. What she has to say might be surprising to some. Lisa believes the best way to deal with the bullying crisis isn't to try to fix or change the bullies themselves. Lisa believes that bullies can't bully if we don't let them. We can choose what behaviors we accept from others. While that might seem like a tall order for a child who's getting pushed around at school and online, learning the skills and the confidence it takes to be bully-proof might be a required survival skill we can teach children and use in adulthood.  Lisa's revolutionary approach to helping children and adults navigate their way through bullying interactions empowers parents and children when nothing else seems to work.  You're not going to want to miss this, because let's face it, everyone knows a bully.