Love, Life, Law of Attraction

Toxic Masculinity Might Be a Mental Illness



I'm rapidly developing a theory that toxic masculinity is a mental illness that a subset of our population, specifically white males are more susceptible to. All kinds of mental diagnosis run more dominantly in certain populations. What if these men were quite literally mentally ill and we're blaming them for a mental disorder without even the consideration of treatment?? I've named it Aggressive Narcissistic Personality Disorder with Hyper Dominance Motivation. I'm not attempting to make excuses for abusers. I'm also not suggesting that every asshole needs to be rushed to a psych doc for meds. However, I am saying that as women, being lost in our own pain might be blinding us from seeing we aren't the only ones who need healing. The patriarchy is sick. A lot of men are sick. A lot of men obviously need help and that help might have to start with women. Read the blog post here.