Church And State Podcast

CAS 038: The Race To the Bottom For the Rubin Report



Summary: In this episode we talk about the sad state of affairs of the Alt-Right and the devolution of The Rubin Report. What happened? Why do subscribers to his subreddit so down (in a bad way) on the show? Can you reasonably talk to every kind of view without endorsing it? Also, what do regret having said on C&S in the past. In silly questions, we discuss what would qualify one to "look straight". Also, how many 5-year-olds could you take in a no-holds-bar fight to the death? How would you kill them? Find out the answers to all these questions in this episode! Do you have an effective strategy for eliminating 5 year-olds? Let us know by emailing us at the address on the About page or by hitting us up on Twitter at the handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: c/o Feed the Children 33 N. Meridian Oklahoma City, OK 73107 or on Twitter at: @GLADlaw.