Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed

EPS 109: The Art of Self-Publishing Your Book (and behind the scenes of mine)



Something delicious arrived in my mailbox last week.Something so delicious, that I didn’t think I could deal with the excitement.But I did deal. And I went inside with my parcel and I breathed deeply, and I opened it. And inside...was my third book: Suck It Up, Princess: Real life strategies to be the heroine you already are and have the money, success and life you deserve.The real, beautiful, gorgeousness of almost 12 months of work, right there in my hands.This is a full-on sensory experience. The smell and feel of’s incredible. In fact, you can see exactly what I’m talking about right here, and then start dreaming up your own seeing-your-book-for-the-first-time moment.That new book smell; the silky feel of the pages; my words right there in black and white.And I published it totally on my own! That’s what I want for you.I want you to have control over your book. What it looks like, sounds like and reads like.There are so many platforms for you to use to get this done - so, why not?And here’s t