

Suck it up, Princess. I know that my book title is going to put some people off.They’re going to look at it and go...this isn’t the book for me.And I am totally down with that. If it doesn’t speak to you, that is okay.But, what about the sub-title of the book?Real-life strategies to be the heroine you already are and have the money, success and life you deserve.Is that more your jam?Here’s the deal: Suck it up, Princess is something I said to myself in a moment of self-pity. The more I thought about it, the more I was like, “Hell, Nat. Sometimes you just gotta suck it up, Princess.”See, when the princess starts to suck it up and she steps into her power, that’s when she becomes a Queen. And that’s exactly what I want for you, Princess.You can trust me when I say that this book will make you laugh, think, feel inspired, and in moments when you’re feeling a bit sorry for yourself, you’ll be able to use the strategies I share and recommend in my book to move into a place of taking back life on your own term