Legendary Life Podcast: Fitness I Healthi Nutrition I Healthy Lifestyle For People Over 30+, 40+

238: 3 Metabolism Boosters to Help Lose Weight and Burn More Fat



Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just wanting to maintain your sleek physique, boosting your metabolism to a higher rate is always a good idea. In this episode, I’ll reveal 3 backed by science ways to give your metabolism an extra push. Listen to this episode to fire up your system with these methods.   It’s been a while that I did a personal episode and today I want to talk to about how to boost your metabolism to burn more fat. But before I do that I want to acknowledge the people who signed up for the coaching group we launched. Thanks to everyone who joined that group and also I’m excited about the six new people that joined. Thank you for takings action and your commitment! Now, in the with Dr. Stephen Guyenet, Stephen and I talked about fat loss and how our brain regulates hunger. Today, I thought it would be great to talk about metabolism: What exactly is metabolism, the different components to it and how to really boost it based on evidence and not the hype you read in blogs.   In this episode