Legendary Life Podcast: Fitness I Healthi Nutrition I Healthy Lifestyle For People Over 30+, 40+

164: Ted Ryce: 11 Ways To Relieve Stress That You Can Start Today



Stress. Almost everyone I know seems to have too much of it. You’re lying in bed with your mind racing because you feel so wired that you can’t sleep. Or maybe it’s during the day when you feel anxious, overwhelmed and unable to meet the demands of your life. These are signs and symptoms of stress. And according to the American Psychological Association, the average level of stress has risen since last year with more people reporting feeling that they’re under extreme stress. I know because my stress levels became so great that I ended up in the ER after I thought I was having a heart attack. It turned out to be a panic attack. And after my blood tested negative for a heart attack and echocardiography stress test, the cardiologist determined it was just extreme stress. So I’ve been there. To honor National Stress Awareness Month, I’ll share 11 ways you can relieve stress that you can start today.