Legendary Life Podcast: Fitness I Healthi Nutrition I Healthy Lifestyle For People Over 30+, 40+

159: Ted Ryce: Why Taking Smart Risks Leads To Success And Happiness



Have you ever felt afraid of taking risks?  In this episode, you will learn how taking risks can make you happier and more successful (even if you failed in the past). Don’t let your past define your future. Learn the right tools you need for smart risk-taking and start to win in life and business. And don't forget to grab our FREE Workbook and get the most of this podcast episode. Presentation Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1fklmheddn71oox/WHYTAKINGSMARTRISKS_KEYNOTE.pptx?dl=0 Don't forget to get our FREE Guides and take your life to the next level. Grab Yours Now: http://www.legendarylifepodcast.com/category/start-here/