Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

235 - Skyler Tanner - Do Your Clients Need Rush Factor?



Skyler Tanner (skyler @ is an exercise physiologist, analytics professional, and a world-class personal trainer. He operates Smart Strength, a HIT-focused, evidence-based, strength training studio in Austin, Texas. Smart Strength’s certified personal trainers use evidence-based methods to help you gain strength, boost energy, gain muscle, and improve mobility & balance. Skyler also brings a fascinating insights to all things exercise on his blog,  For more in-depth discussion about HIT and running, check out these articles: - Peripheral Heart Action Training: "What's Old is New Again" - HIT and Running: An in-depth conversation with Skyler Tanner about Resistance Training and Cardio - HIT vs HIIT, Sprints vs Resistance Training: What’s the Difference? In this episode, Skyler goes into detail about Rush Factor, where it is beneficial, difference between Rush Factor HIT and normal HIT, and much more.  Grow your high intensity training business by joining HIT Bu