Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

Luke Carlson – How to Attract and Keep Great Candidates in your HIT Business (#215)



Luke Carlson (Luke[@] is the founder and CEO of Discover Strength, a fast growing personal training business based in Minneapolis and four other personal training facilities in Minnesota. Discover Strength offers a variety of strength training sessions facilitated by educated and expert trainers. Their personal training facilities are among the highest volume/revenue training facilities in the United States. Luke is a sought after speaker to businesses and leaders in a variety of industries. He has been into different speaking engagements such as Filex Australia, TaiSPO in Taiwan, the Annual IHRSA Convention, the IHRSA European Congress, the Fitness Leaders Summit, China Fit, Mindbody Bold, and the Vistage Executive Summit. Alongside HIT legend, Jim Flanagan, Luke Carlson runs The Real HIT Experience, a 2-Day Course on high intensity training and the proven business systems to take your personal training business to the next level – check it out HERE Once a year, Luke and the Disco