Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

Jim Keen - The Complete ARX Exercise Selection (#212)



Jim Keen (email – Jim [at] is the Director of Fun at ARX (Facebook, Instagram). He’s been SuperSlow certified since 2013, and transitioned from a career as a trumpet player in pit orchestras for Broadway tours to a career training people in accordance with High Intensity Training principles. As an “outsider” to the field, and having trained people with a wide variety of gravity-based tools like Nautilus, MedX, SuperSlow Systems, barbells, etc, and more modern tools, he has a unique perspective on strength training and how it can be developed into a more highly-valued and ubiquitous element of health and fitness in the twenty-first century. In this podcast, we discuss all of the exercises possible on ARX machines, the HIT community, how to find and retain great trainers, and much, much more. Learn how to grow your ARX studio in the HIT Business Membership. For all of the show notes, links and resources - Click Here