Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

Jim Keen - How to Lose 100 lbs, Atomic Health Habits, And ARX Training (#207)



Jim Keen (email - Jim [at] is the Director of Fun at ARX (Facebook, Instagram). He’s been SuperSlow certified since 2013, and transitioned from a career as a trumpet player in pit orchestras for Broadway tours to a career training people in accordance with High Intensity Training principles. As an "outsider" to the field, and having trained people with a wide variety of gravity-based tools like Nautilus, MedX, SuperSlow Systems, barbells, etc, and more modern tools, he has a unique perspective on strength training and how it can be developed into a more highly-valued and ubiquitous element of health and fitness in the twenty-first century. In this podcast, Jim and I discuss his incredible physical transformation, his key habits for optimising health, and how to use ARX for best results, and much, much more. Mention "High Intensity Business" to get $500 OFF your ARX machines - Order Here Learn how to grow your ARX studio or high intensity training business in the HIT Business Membership. F