Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #885 Equanimity Anchors



In our last +1, we talked about the Fundies and how (ahem) fundamental they are to our Optimizing and Actualizing.    Eat! Move! Sleep! Breathe! Be Present! Prosper!   As I said, if I could whisper one thing in my younger self’s ear, I think it would be to MASTER those guys as I’m firmly convinced that when we get our PHYSIOLOGY properly Optimized, the rest tends to follow pretty smoothly via the super-strong connection we’ve created between our “normal” selves and our eudaimonic, Optimus-best selves.   Today I want to talk about another Idea from the Big Picture lecture on the subject.   Remember the Spinny Fingers we talked about back in the day?   Basic recap: Find a safe place to spin around and get yourself dizzy. Then do one of two things.    First: After getting yourself nice and dizzy, stop spinning and start looking aimlessly around the room. Up over there. Down there. All around.   What happens when you have no central point to ground yourself? You get DIZZIER.   Shake that of