Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #840 Happy Artists



This morning on the Trail I was thinking about Mister Rogers and his challenges creating (recall our “tortures of the damned”!) along with Dr. Seuss and all his creative challenges.   Then I was thinking about all the challenges I (and we all) face as I (and we all) strive to do my (and our) life’s work. (And… I was thinking about that gap that pretty much *always* exists between what we see in our mind’s eye and what winds up on our proverbial canvases.)   I thought to myself, “Are there any artists truly happy with their work?”   At precisely the moment I finished framing that question in my head I glanced down and saw a snail a few feet ahead of me.   And I smiled.   It was a just a normal, mid-size snail. The kind we see all the time and usually just kinda take for granted and ignore.   But this morning I could see just how elegantly perfectly his (or was it her?) shell was designed.   I mean, it was a piece of art!!!   And then it hit me…   The “Guy” (or was it “Gal”? Or w