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+1: #805 The Alchemist Says



Have you ever read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho?   It’s amazing. I’ve read it a bunch of times.    Guess how many copies the book has sold since Paulo wrote it over 30 years ago…   65 MILLION! (!!!)   It’s been translated into 80 (!!) languages (which takes the prize for the most translated book by any living author) and is widely considered one of the ten best books of the twentieth century.   But you know what? Before becoming one of the best-selling books of ALL TIME, it was one of the WORST-selling books of all time. (Hah!)   In fact, here’s a little story Paulo shares in the foreword to the 25th Anniversary edition of the book (it’s almost as good as the story itself!):    “When The Alchemist was first published twenty-five years ago in my native Brazil, no one noticed. A bookseller in the northeast corner of the country told me that only one person purchased a copy the first week of its release. It took another six months for the bookseller to unload a second copy—and that was to the s