Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #720 Broken Monitors



In our last +1 we talked about the fact that, as per legendary tough guy Vince Lombardi, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.”    Then we operationalized a super-simple antidote to cowardice via a super-simple PM Bookend routine. (How’d that go for you?)   I mentioned the fact that we’d connect that fatigue-coward phenomenon to my heart rate monitor. So, let’s.   Not too long ago, I introduced you to my Suunto watch. Love it. Works great.    … Except when it doesn’t!   Every once in awhile, I’ll be training at a mellow pace and my watch will be telling me that my heart rate is WAY higher than it could possibly be.    To put it in perspective, my target Maffetone-approved aerobic zone is 131 to 141. I usually train in that zone every other day. On my mellow recovery days, I do the same trail at a slower pace and stay well below that 131.   So, imagine my surprise one day when I’m going at a super mellow pace and look down at my watch to see it telling me that I’m at 160-something. I’m like, “Reall