Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #670 Meditation’s Instant ROI



Meditation.   At this point, most of us are pretty aware of the fact that it’s been proven to be pretty epic for our well-being.    Congrats, high fives, curtsies, etc. if you’re rockin’ a meditation practice already.   If you’re not investing a few minutes of your day into meditation yet, what’re you waiting for?!   Perhaps you’re telling yourself you don’t have the time?   Well, we know that’s a pretty flimsy excuse (hah!) but if you’re not meditating and you have a tough time falling asleep at night, here’s some fun little data from Arianna Huffington’s The Sleep Revolution that will help us quantify the IMMEDIATE time-ROI you’ll get by meditating.   Arianna tells us: “A 2009 Stanford study found that a six-week mindfulness meditation course helped people who have trouble sleeping fall asleep twice as quickly, in fifteen minutes instead of thirty-three minutes.”   Recap: If you have trouble falling asleep, learning to meditate (and doing so consistently) can help you fall asleep twice a