Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #660 How Clark Kent Becomes Superman in 11 Seconds



In our last +1, we talked about our inaugural Optimize Coach program (there’s still a little more time to sign up and join hundreds of other passionate Optimizers in making this the greatest year of our lives while helping others in our lives do the same, btw).   Specifically, we discussed the very first email we send out with the very first micro-exercise to invite Optimus Us to the party.   It goes like this:    Stand up. Expand. Relax. Pull the thread thru your head. Take a deep breath (in thru the nose, down into the belly, etc.). Chest up. Chin down. Relax a little more. Expand a little more. Smile.   “Hi, Optimus!!”   We’re going to start (and end) every single one of our 43 weekly sessions together with that exercise. CONSTANTLY remembering to physically flip the switch from the not-quite-Optimus version of ourselves to the “Let’s do this!!!” Optimus version of Us.   As I wrapped my brain around the importance of this little exercise and how to integrate it in our lives, I was thinking