Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #585 You and the Swami Spartan



Continuing our theme of wisdom gleaned from Zen Optimize in the Art of Spartan Racing, let’s talk about spiritual obstacle course racer, Sri Swami Satchidananda.   Sri Swami Satchidananda was an obstacle course racer?    Well, yah!   Satchidananda was one of the most revered Yoga Masters of the 20th century. He wrote a great book called The Golden Present. It’s one of those books that has a chapter for each day of the year so you can work through the wisdom and create your greatest year ever.   Guess what wisdom he shared in Chapter #1, January 1st?    … What wisdom do you think he thought was most important to kick off your year strong?    Quick answer: How to see life as one big obstacle course.   Longer answer, in his words: “Life must be a challenge. Only then is it exciting. In an obstacle race, you are forced to surmount all the obstacles: to jump over the hurdles, go through the barrels, crawl under the rugs, climb over walls.   What would happen if, to avoid all that, you went around