Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #545 Being a Champion



In our last +1, we talked about my mission to become a Spartan World Champion.    My heart skips a beat just typing that.   (Which, btw, is a good “reverse indicator” as my Yoda would say. Btw2: When Phil and I chatted about my contemplations about raising my standards and going all in on the Spartan mission, he told me that I MUST go for it or the Universe will fire me from my job. Laughing.)   So…   The title of that last +1 was “Becoming a Champion.” Today’s it’s called “Being a Champion.”   We’re going to talk about another coach of champions: Ben Bergeron. Ever heard of him?    If you don’t know who he is, have you ever heard of CrossFit? If you’re alive and into Optimizing, my hunch is that you almost certainly have. One more question: Ever watch the CrossFit Games where the world’s best CrossFit athletes get together and see who is “The Fittest on Earth”?    Those world-class CrossFit Games athletes are absolute BEASTS. As in: ASTONISHINGLY strong, skilled and tough.   Only 40 men and