Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed

Sun Aspects



Episode 103. An aspect refers to the angles planets make to each other in the horoscope. They are measured by mathematical angles, which means you need to know a bit about geometry. I’ve talked about aspects in previous episodes so please go back and listen to learn more. When planets make aspects to the Sun in your natal chart, it can affect your selfhood and willpower. For example, if you have the Sun at a positive angle with Pluto, it can indicate that you are able to stand firmly in your power and might be a leader. If the Sun is in a challenging aspect to Pluto, you may be a person who is timid - or has a tendency to abuse your power. Aspects to the Sun can give a clue about your energy and courage. If your chart is well aspected but your Sun is weak, it can make it difficult to rise to your potential. In that case, you may have to work extra hard to grab those opportunities.