Rankdaddy's Podcast

RankDaddy TV Episode 1



Over the last several years, Brandon has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to start, and scale, successful digital marketing businesses. As Creator of the RankDaddy training platform, his concept of “outsourcing everything” allows his followers to scale at a pace never before thought of, giving his students, freedom to get their life back! So now it's in the minds of these people and now it's a reality that is totally possible. And here's what happened, forty-six days later, John Landy did it again. He beats the first record, he runs another sub four minute mile. Forty-six days. It'd been centuries before that and never been done. Now, today, thousands of runners have a four minute mile. So it's a total reality. Yes, it's a difficult thing to attain, you've gotta train but it's totally reachable, right? So let's apply this to our business. Are there things in your business that maybe you seem to think are impossible for you to do? Maybe you don't think they're impossible period but you may be wondering, looki