Mastering Your World Through Frequencies

Episode 118 - Absolute Scarcity



“When I’m 15 pounds thinner, I’ll finally be happy.” “When I’ve met my soulmate, everything will be perfect.” "When I finally have (fill in the blank) much money, then I'll feel like I have enough." How many of us have had similar thoughts about something we desired but lacked? When we do achieve the thing we want, it can be satisfying — for a little while, but that satisfaction always fades and we're on to the next bigger, better thing. In this episode, we’re discussing the foundational distortion pattern that keeps us chasing fulfillment. Don’t miss the most important part of the episode, which is the Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) at the end. It will begin to help release Absolute Scarcity, which is super pervasive and affects us all in some really challenging ways.