Mastering Your World Through Frequencies

Detox: How to Leverage It



Learn what detox can be like and how to leverage it to accelerate your growth · Distinguishing true emotion from something you are fostering with your mind can release you from a lot of drama · Being accountable for your patterns and being able to notice them more and more quickly will help you to enter a state of neutrality and completeness -- and accelerate faster. · Detox is the catch-up period after frequency work where the slower vibrating physical, mental and emotional bodies adjust to the changes that happen instantly, in real time, on the much higher vibrating spirit level · Detox can be a space of letting go of what we think is us, what we are attached to, and what no longer serves us. Listen to the GFC on Detox to soften the short term discomfort of frequency work should you need it. · Learn about the 4 strategies to help you get through detox more efficiently (by listening to the full episode)