Middle Management Movement By Michelle Pascoe

BizShui The secret weapon to thrive in your home office



Last year we all scrambled to set up a home office to connect with our team and clients, using a pile of books or a box of tissues to sit your laptop on, while you perched in front of a window providing your viewers a silhouette or up the nose camera angle.  Let’s admit it none of us were prepared for the long haul and now many of us have chosen “working from home” as the new norm.  Our environment affects our state, and our state affects our behaviour, simple right!   Claire is the Number 1 Woman Customer Service Global Guru, her business and life are blended in providing her clients the tools to serve their customers with an experience that exceeds their expectations, building growth and their bottom line.  Finding herself like many of us working from home she tapped into her long-time passion of Feng Shui and now works with clients around the world in creating an environment that they love to work in, making them feel good, while effectively using their space and materials while aligning the flow of e