Happiness Alchemy Podcast

Soul Happiness Alchemy Forcast Week Of February 18 2018



More at tracygaudet.com Week of February 18th, 2018: We have the Archangels very close again this week with Sandalphon, Haniel and Gabriel coming in with messages on what to expect this week and how to navigate the energy to move towards your highest potential and Soul happiness. This is also the week after our powerful New Moon Eclipse and welcoming in the year of the Earth Dog too! For many of you this is the shift you’ve been waiting for! Sandalphon and Haniel are working together on this, for those of you moving forward, listening to your intuition, but feeling like you’re not really getting anywhere hold tight things are in the works. Keep your focus on your passion and what you are birthing and creating right now. Know this week that you deserve your victory and if you are feeling a twinge of self-defeat, self-doubt, unsure of your worthiness or deserving – take time to feel it and let it go. That is not yours to carry in the year of the dog. You’ve put your work in and now as you believe in yoursel