Self Made Man

How To Permanently Stop Self-Sabotage...With Adam Lyons



Have you ever wondered why you make the decisions with the best of intentions, that end up causing problems for you down the road? Have you wondered why it can be so hard to stop bad habits and replace them with healthier ones? Have you wondered why you tend to repeat the same choices, attract the same kind of relationships, or sabotage your success? Well today you’re going to find out the answers to all of these questions and more with thanks to our guest and one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, Adam Lyons. Adam has become one of the world’s biggest authorities on brain chemistry, and how affects the decisions that we all make on a daily basis. And I have to say that this interview is absolutely fascinating because Adam is about to pull back the curtain and give you a behind the scenes look at the neuro-chemistry that’s driving our decisions and behaviors at a subconscious level. All of the decisions that you make, and actions that you take are a result of your brain’s desire for five different chemical