Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed

Eps 136: How to Legally Protect Your Business with Sarah Waldbuesser, Esq



You’re an entrepreneur, business owner, coach, author, work for you. That’s why it’s so important that you know how to legally protect your business.Seriously...You’re kicking ass and taking names.You’re killing it like a boss, and you’re sitting in your zone of genius just like you were meant to.But do you know how to protect all of that?As much as we don’t want to get into the legalities of this lifestyle we’ve chosen, we really have to. It’s the responsible thing to do. So, let’s talk about law, baby.Sarah Waldbuesser, Esq., is an attorney for coaches and online business owners. After several years at a law firm and a few career jumps, she ended up falling in love with online business and loves helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams in a smart and protected way. She is also a wife and mama, traveler, and food and wine lover. When not at her computer, she loves hanging with her kiddos, having wine with friends, flying around the globe and connecting with other online business owners.&