In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

Sex and Dating with Disability and Chronic Illness



I really appreciated Dr. Lee’s perspective on mindful dating and red flags to watch out for  , tips for partners, and the gap between sexual health and medical care for disability and chronic illness.Dr. Lee Phillips specializes in couples sex therapy and lectures on topics including sexuality, chronic pain, anxiety and stress management, caregiving stress, depression in the elderly, mindfulness and cognitive strategies for chronic pain, reclaiming sexuality for couples with chronic illness, ethical decision making, the assessment of mental disorders, and exploring sexual communication, freedom, and pleasure for gender minorities with chronic illness, pain, and other disabilities.Discover your mental fluidity through the process and what makes you and your partner comfortable. Dr. Lee shares how you can have those deep conversations that define what pleasure means to you and what it means to your partner. Remember: slow down and let the process take its course. Get curious about your partner and get creative