

When was the last time someone gave you advice that you didn’t ask for? Here’s how to say NAY to the Naysayers.How did you deal with it?Did you take the advice? How did that make you feel? In this episode we uncover: ✅ What should you do when people give you advice that you don’t ask for✅ Whether or not you should be giving advice to people✅ The main thing you need to remember when you meet a naysayer In my book, Suck it up, Princess, there’s a whole chapter dedicated to the naysayers. I’m reading some of that to you in this episode.Suck It Up, Princess is for women the world over who want to get over your excuses and get on with living a rich, fulfilling and rewarding life, on your own damn terms.I wrote this book because you are a heroine! For real. And you deserve to tap into your hidden potential, and leverage your unique talents and skills to create the life you truly want to live.It’s packed with my own transformational personal stories, proven methods, and practical advice