Church And State Podcast

CAS 061: Of Town Halls & Gulags



Summary: In this episode we discuss the ongoing town halls, North Korea, and Milo Yiannopoulos (again). Were we too soft on Milo? We correct the record today! What do townhalls have in common with reporting in the Stalin era? What's wrong with musicians in shorts, and what is up with elderly asian transexuals? Find out in this week's episode! Has being born white condemned you to a life of eating Sunchips? Let us know by emailing us at the email address on the About page, or by hitting us up on Twitter at @Colin_Aulds, @EvanCMalone, or @Church_andState respectively. As always please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: The History Channel 235 E 45th St. Fl 2 New York, NY 10017 or on Twitter at: @311.