Hard Cunts

28 shipwrecked - thriller



Is Jimmy back? Is the fat bloke in the red leather outfit a "Jackophile"? is Mad Max one the best movie ever made or has "The lord of the rings and a car chase" become the new favourite? all this and fuck all else on another shit episode of the most un-listened and almost never downloaded podcast on the market..... Shipwrecked, Shipwrecked, Ahhhhhhh Shipwrecked Thriller.thanks to Kevin Thomas, John Wilson, Manfred Vjars, Pixie Jenkins, PetchraChelli, Beefy and JJ. Poodlewritten and put together by Brad MacleanListen to Pixie and Manfred on the "Stumpy and Grumpy" podcast @ - https://stumpy-and-grumpy.castos.com