Who Killed Theresa?

The Aloha Motel Fire - #16 WKT6



On November 10, 1978 someone attempted to set fire to the Aloha Motel in Rock Forest. You’ll recall Rock Forest as a bedroom community to the west of Sherbrooke (five years later it would become the setting of another motel drama: the massacre of two carpet layers by police at the Motel Chatillion). Tragedy was averted, the Sûreté du Quebec just happened to be across the street before the blaze was ignited. Police immediately arrested a nineteen-year-old suspect leaving the scene of the attempted arson: Jean Charland. Welcome to the world of Sherbrooke subterfuge (AKA S-Town), where even the police play a part in the underhanded shenanigans.For more information please visit the website: www.theresaallore.com