Who Killed Theresa?

The Dirty Reich - #5 WKT6



Before they were Hells, even before the Gitans, they were The Dirty Reich. Georges “Bo-Boy” Beaulieu, the de-facto president of The Gitans who rose to prominence in the Hells Angels, was, at first, a member of The Dirty Reich.The Gitans/Gypsies first formed as the Dirty Reich in the early 1960s. They changed their gang name to Gitans in 1970. They were allowed to patch over to be the Sherbrooke /Lennoxville Hells Angels on December 5, 1984. Then on May 24, 1985 we have the massacre of Laval chapter members at the Lennoxville bunker, and there you have a very brief history of the evolution of The Dirty Reich.For more information please visit the website: https://theresaallore.com/2022/01/18/the-dirty-reich/