Who Killed Theresa?

Pattern Recognition - Teresa Martin #1 / WKT5



This is the 1969 unsolved murder of Teresa Martin."I am in no hurry to tell this story. I have a lot of information on this case, but I haven't quite figured out how to land the plane. I haven't completely worked out the staging. It has all the elements that you're accustomed to hearing on WTK - set in Quebec, unsolved murder, criminal investigative failures. Quebec lives in this echo chamber of delusion. If you think the fake-news era in the States is bad, Quebec has been living in a version of this landscape ever since Champlain planted a fleur-de-lis on The Mountain. What strikes me about this case is how the narrative has changed over the last 50 years. There is now a very controlled version of this story, and most of the elements that would help solve the case have been dropped. I don't buy the versions of this story peddled by the police and the press. "For more information please visit the website: http://theresaallore.com/2021/02/27/pattern-recognition-teresa-martin-wkt5-1/