In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

The brain, immune system, and chronic pain



Even if the body and pain is complex, the strategies we can use to recover from pain doesn’t have to be! We’re going on a “Magic School Bus” ride (cue 1994 PBS nostalgia) to our cellular systems on the nanomolecular level. Jump to 34:40 for simple biohacks to reset a hypersensitive biological system that happens during chronic pain. “Change is inevitable, how you change is not.” Huge things are possible when we know how our body works and actively use that knowledge to make changes to our cellular systems. Mark reminds us that without trust, transformation in finding relief from chronic pain is really hard. Professor Mark Hutchinson is the Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics (CNBP), an Australian Research Council Future Fellow, a Professor within the Adelaide Medical School at the University of Adelaide, and President of Science and Technology Australia, the peak body in Australia that represents 90,000 scientists. Mark explores the “other brain” and has pioneered research whic