In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

Treating Pelvic Pain with Graded Exposure



There are many, many challenges with pelvic pain that don’t happen if you sprain an ankle or have a shoulder injury that you can point to and talk about with your co-workers. With pelvic pain, it may feel hard to show others where it hurts— even a health professional, awkward to talk about it with friends or someone you love, that your morals or faith will be questioned because of religious beliefs, or that the pain will never stop. Dr. Sandy Hilton is a pain and pelvic health physical therapist currently in Chicago at Entropy Physiotherapy.  Sandy works in the clinic and online to help people with pain recover and is an international invited speaker and instructor of other health professionals.  Sandy teaches classes on manual therapy and sensory integration techniques that are purposefully non-painful and help recover tolerance to sitting, bike riding, sexual function and more! Dr. Sandy shares strategies to move through challenges with pelvic pain: Using your imagination to identify what can trigger pain