Mastering Your World Through Frequencies

Episode 177: Cracking The Code Of Co-Creation



Did you know that you’re always co-creating your reality? You may have heard people say this, but you wonder — if this is true, why do we keep experiencing pain, suffering, trauma? Why don’t we create something better? Once we crack the code of co-creation, and begin to master the fundamentals of intentionally creating our reality, we can begin to rise above the suffering and lack that so many of us are mired in. In this episode we’re talking about what co-creation really is, how it works and how to begin to master it so you can live the life you want. The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will focus on helping you release the distortion patterns that keep you from being able to co-create your reality effectively. If you would like an opportunity to ask me questions in real time, join me when I go live on YouTube. Subscribe to the Spherical Luminosity YouTube channel and click the reminder bell to be notified when I am live: For the latest news