The Motorcyclist's Wife (annotated)

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Verne Smith works as a stunt rider at the Cycle Circus, managed by his friend Larry Johnson. He wrecks in a horrible accident with his motorcycle during a show that changes his life and the relationship with his young, frigid wife Sandi... She has always kept the seething passions lurking within her hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy. Will they become exposed publicly under this extremely tempting condition?


“Don't worry, honey—he always goes crazy like this when he's had too much to drink,” Clare whispered. “Just do what he says, or he'll get really mad. He's not going to hurt you—he just wants to get into your cunt.”

“But he can't do that! I won't let him!” Sandi hissed back, though by now she ought to have known the futility of trying to resist a lust-frenzied male.

“Shut up, you bitches!” the dark-haired man loomed over them, swaying a little unsteadily. In his right hand he brandished his enormously erect purplish cock, aiming it directly at Sandi's fear-contorted face, and with the other he grabbed hold of his wife's short, black hair and yanked her to her knees. Then, slapping her across the face with a sickening sound of flesh cracking against flesh, he shoved her off the bed.

“It's my turn to take this little cock-teasing bitch!” he swaggered, staring down at the nakedly cringing blonde with lecherous eyes. “Thinks she's too good to fuck me, but the next thing I hear she's screwing around with some asshole of a photographer and anyone else with a good hard cock!” He sneered down at the blonde, taking a sadistic pleasure in the way her face sagged as she realized he knew her guilty secret. “Or a cunt,” he added, glaring at Clare.

He knows! Sandi's tortured mind screamed. I don't know how he can, but he does! Oh God... it's all over now! He'll tell Verne, I know he will!

“No... no... no...” she moaned, burying her face in the bedcovers.

“Yes, baby!” Larry snarled. “Now you're gonna fuck me, 'cause if you don't Verne's gonna hear all about that Goddamn dirty movie you're making. And you know as well as I do what he'll think of his sweet little wife then!”

Suddenly Sandi felt rough hands grasping her and trying to turn her over, and she began to struggle before the meaning of his words sank through her shock-stupored brain. This incensed Larry, just as Clare had warned it would, and he decided to really give this stupid blonde a taste of his aching cock that she'd never forget.

“Seeing as everyone else has already had a chance at your cunt, I'll try out that cute ass of yours,” he leered.

Sandi had the sense to let her body go limp as the intoxicated man's brutal hands pushed her face down against the mattress, but it was too late to hope to mollify him now that the idea of fucking her in the anus had taken seed in his lust-maddened mind. Without any thought of the pain he was causing, Larry dug his powerful fingers into the tender flesh of the girl's white-skinned inner thighs, dragging her backward on the high bed until her shapely legs dangled over the side and her firmly rounded ass-cheeks jutted out, their flesh obscenely white against the pale golden tan of the rest of her body. Though her breasts were being painfully crushed, and in spite of the panic that had risen inside her at his terrible threat, Sandi gritted her teeth to force back her scream of terror.

He can't really be going to do it to me in the ass, she tried to reassure herself. It's not possible—it's not human!