10/12/2011This is a fictional piece on bullying and suicide. It is "inspired" by the story of Jamey Rodemeyer who ended his life because of bullying due to his sexuality. I was saddened when I saw that he had posted a video for the It Gets Better project encouraging and supporting others to not end their life, that things will be better, only for him to end his life. I did this piece not to answer anything but bring up questions and something to think about.
James: A Retrospective by Oscar
10/12/2011My final piece.Oscar shares his experience with bullying, suicide, and coming out.
headphones + room mixdown
08/12/2011This is a combination of the room + headphones track into one convenient listening experience (yet not the same as two separate tracks)
08/12/2011part of jacob weiss and nik worthen's final project. please download if you can.
Mysterious H Interview
01/11/2011An interview with electronic musician Mysterious H on why and how he makes his sweet tunes.