Improve Self



A philosophical and practical approach to living the good life for you and everyone else.


  • IS 10: Public Failure and Not Giving Up On Yourself

    16/08/2018 Duration: 26min

    After not following through on his own public challenge, Scott admits to public failure, moving slowly, and shares the story of his first failed business idea from the past and how he has overcome the habit of giving up on himself. Avoid negative self-talk.  Believe in yourself.  Take imperfect action.

  • IS 9: Resistance

    15/06/2018 Duration: 26min

    Resistance is out to get you and you probably don't even know it exists.  Somedays it completely defeats me.  But...The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield, has been monumentally helpful for me to get over the never ending obstacles that pop up in my creative-work-life by recognizing this thing that absolutely everyone faces.   Understanding Resistance will not only help you see it when it shows it's ugly mug but it will also help you figure out what you need to do to combat it. 

  • IS 8: How To Use One Sheet of Paper To Get Focused and Move Forward In Your Life

    11/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    In this episode my long-time Nashville friend Clay Cumbie, a singer / songwriter, multi-state sales manager, and all around good guy, shares his one-page technique that you can use to get focused and keep the ball rolling in your life. This is something I wish I had known about years ago when I first started getting organized. If you struggle to feel like you are moving forward in life, borrow this idea to get focused on the things you want to do.

  • IS 7: What Change Is Possible In Your Life In The Next 60 Days?

    03/05/2018 Duration: 09min

    While watching the Netflix documentary, Rocket Men, I was inspired. Not in the way you might think.  After learning the timeline of NASA's Apollo missions, I realized there is a major flaw in my own timeline for getting things accomplished.     In this episode I share the quick story of what inspired me to get back on track and change something in my life in the next 60 days. I'm challenging you to do the same in one area of your life.   What ONE thing can you change about your life in the next 60 days? Email your ONE thing to for accountability and follow-up challenge questions.

  • IS 6: How To Talk To Your Middle Schooler About Bullying

    30/03/2018 Duration: 38min

    Victim -- Bully -- Bystander. We've all played one or more of these roles in our lives.  But what can be done to change it?  Research shows that the quickest, most effective way to end the pattern of bullying is for a bystander to speak up on behalf of the person being targeted. Recently I was asked to talk to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students about bullying.  This is what I shared with them.  Email me at if you want a copy of my notes so that you can talk with your kid(s) about bullying at home.  Visit for helpful content.

  • IS 5: Battling Depression? Here's One Little Thing To Focus On Today

    15/02/2018 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, Lewis Howes is helping men be okay with being vulnerable and Viktor Frankl argues against Sigmund Freud's ideas.  Also, if you are a man and you find yourself in a pattern of depression, I've got a really quick thing you can do to begin interrupting it.

  • IS 4: Your Identity Drives Your Behavior

    06/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    Most people try to change their behavior by deciding what to do next. In this episode, I'll explain what I'm learning about how we first have to look at what we identify with, because our identity drives all of our behaviors. 

  • IS 3: How Much Control Do You Believe You Have In Life?

    03/01/2018 Duration: 16min

    Do you often make excuses for why you did something? Or didn't do something?  In this episode I explain Julian Rotter's (1966) Locus of Control and what it means for your life. Also, I'll run through a quick quiz in the middle where you can find out where you are on the spectrum. When I learned about LOC it gave me a better understanding of myself and I think you'll find your results revealing as well.

  • IS 2: What Could You Be Thankful For This Time Next Year

    31/12/2017 Duration: 07min

    Asking ourselves a great question to find out exactly what we want for next year.

  • IS 1: Introduction To Improve Self with Scott McClure

    06/12/2017 Duration: 05min

    An introduction to your host, Scott McClure, and what you can expect from this podcast. Email for your free gift of my "168 Hours" weekly time chart to find out where your time is going this week.