Badass Boss



Its challenging to build an online business that consistently generates more and more income. Each Thursday, join Cassie Howard, a 14+-year online entrepreneur that loves the hustle, as she goes deep into the most impotant aspects of growing a profitable business. If you have an online business, want to start one, or just want to hear how a multiple-6-figure entrepreneur makes her money online, this is the podcast for you.


  • ep. 24 - Lessons Learned From A $120,000 Investment Gone Wrong

    02/12/2019 Duration: 19min

    This is the episode in which I share one of my biggest investments ($120,000) and how it all blew up in my face. I talk about why I made the investment in the first place, why it "failed", and the lessons I learned from the experience.  For sure, this is my most vulnerable story. It makes me nervous to share it. But I know that it will help someone, and that makes my discomfort worth it.

  • ep. 23 - Becoming A Magnet For FUCK YES Clients You Adore

    25/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    In this week's episode, we're covering soulmate clients. Or as I enjoy calling them - "fuck yes clients". These clients are, of course, clients you absolutely adore and feel it to be a DREAM working with.  I'm sharing with you how to attract in these FUCK YES clients, so they are magnetized to you and easily say yes to everything you offer.  No more working with clients you can't stand just to make money. You can make money AND work with clients you're actually excited about spending time with - and I'll show you how. 

  • ep. 22 - The Easy Way To More Sales (Do This 1 Thing!)

    18/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    One of the top questions I get on a daily basis is this:  "Cassie, how do I get more sales??"  The frustration is evident and I just want to do it all for you so that it's DONE. I hate seeing people struggle with sales like I used to.  But, since I can't physically do the selling for you in your business, I'm going to share with you the #1 WAY TO INCREASE YOUR SALES.  Do this ONE thing and you'll increase your sales - guaranteed! 

  • ep. 21 - My Secret Weapon To Mastering My Mood & Being Insanely Happy & High-Vibe

    28/10/2019 Duration: 14min

    People often ask me how I'm always so happy and positive - how I always seem to trust and stay in a high-vibe state - even when things seem like they're not going well. In this week's episode I share my big ol' secret weapon for keeping my head in check. You're gonna LOVE this one! 

  • ep. 20 - The 3 Things That Are Holding You Back From Success

    21/10/2019 Duration: 13min

    When you're chasing success (and who isn't??), there's often things that can be forgotten or not even thought about at all - things that are holding you back from achieving the success that you desire.  In this episode, I'm gonna let you in on the 3 things you're doing right now that are keeping you stuck and preventing you from that success you're chasing.  Time to level up, sis! 

  • ep. 19 - Meditation For People Who Can't Sit Still

    14/10/2019 Duration: 16min

    As someone who has suffered from extreme stress & anxiety for much of her life, I was always told that I should meditate to help me, but found that I couldn't sit still long enough for it to work for me.  I kept starting and stopping a meditation practice, because it just never seemed to work - as my mind was always racing, and I was constantly fidgiting.  Over the past 8 months or so, I've discovered a new way to meditate that has had a tremendously positive effect on my well-being. I'm able to get immense value from my meditations, without the need to sit still and "think of nothing" for what feels like ages.  In this episode of the Badass Boss Podcast, I'm sharing with you, my process for meditation with benefits you will love. 

  • ep. 18 - My Health Is Fucked {And What I'm Doing About It}

    07/10/2019 Duration: 26min

    It's true - I've put financial and lifestyle success over health success. I've spent a long time neglecting my health. It's not that I didn't want to be healthy - it's that I didn't believe that I wasn't - and so I didn't put much effort toward "getting better". This meant that my health has suffered quite a bit over the past few years, as I've been building my business... Now, I am on a mission to improve my heath - both mentally and physically, so that I can truly THRIVE in a way greater than I am already experiencing. In this episode, I'm sharing with you everything that I've kind of "let go" of, or ignored, and what I'm currently doing to set myself up for success with my health -  And truly live a FULL-ON, healthy AF life.  -----

  • ep. 17 - What You're Missing On Your Path To Financial Abundance

    12/06/2019 Duration: 23min

    I'm willing to bet that one thing you're seeking is financial abundance. It's always on your mind, isn't it? It's something you're always working toward. You want to have that FREEDOM, financially, to be, do and have ANYTHING you desire, any time you desire it.  Am I right? Yes? Perfect. You're gonna love this episode. In it, I talk about the things you're missing on your path to financial abundance. It took me over a decade to figure this shit out. I'm so happy to share it with you and save you time!  

  • ep. 16 - How To Increase Your Energy & Get More Done In A Day Than Most Get Done In A Month!

    12/06/2019 Duration: 18min

    There are a few things that you need to know in order to have a productive day, that, at the same time, doesn't feel like all you did was workworkworkworkwork. You can be productive, get a lot done, without being strapped to your computer or your phone 24/7 -  The key is increasing your energy and focusing on the right daily activities, and that's what we're talking about on this week's episode! 

  • ep. 15 - Feeling Overwhelmed And Like You Can't Stay Focused? This Could Be Why...

    03/06/2019 Duration: 13min

    Have you been having trouble staying focused lately? Does it always feel like you have a million and one things to do, and no time to do it in?  In other words -  Is overwhelm taking over your life?? This could be why... 

  • ep. 14 - 6 Lessons I've Learned Building A Multiple 6-Figure Business Online

    27/05/2019 Duration: 20min

    Over the past 4+ years, I've gone from brand new in an industry that was completely foreign to me, to relatively well-known, with a large following, making multiple 6-figures.  I started from $0 and now earn between $300,000-$500,000 per year (and growing), while working LESS than I was in the beginning.  There is A TON that I've discovered over the years, and I wanted to share with you the 6 biggest lessons that I've learned; the things that had the BIGGEST impact in my business, so that you don't make the same mistakes I did. :)  Building a 6-figure business is easy. A multiple 6-figure business is easy, too. But not until you know this stuff - until then, it will always feel hard or out-of-reach. 

  • ep. 13 - This Is What It Takes To Make It, Smash Your Goals, & Achieve Lifestyle Freedom

    20/05/2019 Duration: 17min

    In this episode, I'm going to cut right to the chase: You're the one who's stopping you from being wildly successful and from achieving the freedom lifestyle you desire.  That said, you're also the one who can change that - and you can do so in an instant! I'm sharing with you EXACTLY what it takes to make it, for you to accomplish all of your big goals and dreams, and to achieve the freedom you crave.  This is a good one. Buckle up! 

  • ep. 12 - The Truth About Making A Profit In Business | I Made Over $1 Million Dollars & Lost It All, And What I Did To Turn Things Around | Making Money As An Entrepreneur

    29/04/2019 Duration: 26min

    In this episode, I'm sharing with you the story of how I made over $1 million dollars and then lost it all, and what I did to turn things around.  I'm getting real honest about what people TELL you when it comes to making money online, and what ACTUALLY happens. (The truth about making a PROFIT in business.) If you're struggling with money in your business, and you find that you always seem to run out and "never have enough", this episode is for you.  You're gonna really love this one!

  • ep. 11 - The Launch of Metta Tea Co.

    08/04/2019 Duration: 23min

    In this episode, I'm taking you behind-the-scenes and sharing with you the entire process of launching my new tea company, Metta Tea Co.  There was absolutely A LOT that I had to learn, and for sure some mistakes that made (and thankfully learned from), but in the end, we launched a company that I am exceptionally proud of!  Check us out: :) 

  • ep. 10 - Detaching From Client Results

    01/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    It's easy to get caught up in the results your clients may (or may not) be experiencing, and put all the pressure on yourself to make sure that they experience the results they want - but this is only going to hurt you AND your clients, and will prevent them from getting any results at all. I explain why (and what to do instead) in this episode of the Badass Boss podcast!

  • Anxiety Hacks! Dealing With Anxiety As An Entrepreneur

    11/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember, and there have been many times this anxiety has taken over my life and messed with my head (and my business & income!). It wasn't until I learned how to manage my anxiety, that everything improved 10x and life became a whole lot more fun! In this episode, I'm sharing my favorite anxiety hacks that have helped me in deaing with anxiety as an entrepreneur. I know they can help you, too! Products mentioned in this episode: 1. Metta Tea Co. Matcha: (use code IGMATCHA to save $$$!) 2. CALM Magnesium Drink: 3. Four Sigmatic Hot Cacao: (use code BADASSBOSS to save $$$!) 4. Doterra Essential Oils:

  • Behind-The-Scenes Of My Book Launch

    03/03/2019 Duration: 29min

    I'm going all into the nitty gritty around the launch of my book, sharing with you what worked, and what didn't. I'll share the entire process of writing and launching the book so that you know exactly what to exoect if this is something you want to do!  Of course, I'll also tell you all of the mistakes made, so you can avoid making them yourself. ;)

  • Secrets To Ultimate Tribe Growth / How To Attract Followers & Customers

    24/02/2019 Duration: 17min

    One of the most critical elements to a successful business is a business that has people who follow them and who ultimately buy from them  In this episode, I'm going to share with you the secrets to ultimate tribe growth, and will tell you exactly how to attract more of your soulmate peeps into your community, and how to turn them into raving fans!

  • How To Avoid Burnout While Building Your Business

    17/02/2019 Duration: 25min

    It's very easy to get caught up in the DOING of bulding your business, and although taking action is critical to your success, if you don't take precautions, you will burn yourself out and your business will become a CHORE that you dread.  In this episode, I share my own big burnout experience while building my business, and how you can avoid having something similar happen to you (it's not fun!).

  • How To Monitize Your Social Media Profiles For Consistent Cash

    10/02/2019 Duration: 15min

    Social media is one of the BEST tools for income generation in your online business. The problem is that most people don't know how to MONETIZE these platforms and use them primarily for pleasure. In this episode, I'm going to share with you exactly how to monetize your social media profiles for more CONSISTENT cash in your biz!

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