Russian Pronunciation Podcast by Real Russian Club will help you improve your speaking and listening skills. Learn how to pronounce Russian sounds, words and phrases with a professional Russian language teacher Daria Molchanova.
Basic Russian Greetings
30/06/2021 Duration: 05minHow to say hello in Russian? Here are some basic Russian greetings: ЗДРАВСТВУЙТЕ – hello ПРИВЕТ – hi ДОБРОЕ УТРО – good morning ДОБРЫЙ ДЕНЬ – good afternoon ДОБРЫЙ ВЕЧЕР – good evening Learn Russian with me here –
Russian Hard and Soft Consonants
30/05/2021 Duration: 03minThe concept of hardness and softness is crucial in mastering your Russian pronunciation. Here are the words I used today: МАТЬ – МЯТЬ УГОЛ – УГОЛЬ МАТ – МАТЬ Try to practice with English 'moot' and 'mute' or 'lip' and 'leap'. Also, pay attention to he difference between И and Ы. Learn Russian with me here –
Voiced and voiceless consonants in Russian
23/01/2021 Duration: 07minThat is what we were speaking today: Voiced consonants: Б В Г Д З Ж Unvoiced consonants: П Ф К Т С Ш Examples: КОД (code) sounds like "КОТ" ГОРОД – "ГОРАТ" (city) КЛУБ – "КЛУП" (club) ФЛАГ – "ФЛАК" (flag) МОРОЗ – "МАРОС" (frost) ИВАНОВ – "ИВАНОФ" (Ivanov) ГОРБАЧЁВ – "ГАРБАЧЁФ" (Gorbachev) Full Russian Pronunciation Course – You can buy me a cup of coffee here to support my work –
Russian sound Й (short И)
09/03/2020 Duration: 05minIn today’s episode, you will hear how to pronounce Russian sound Й (И краткое). There can be three positions of the letter Й. 1. Before a vowel, it is pronounced as [y] in words like ‘yogurt’ and ‘yet’. 2. After a vowel, it sounds like [y] in ‘boy’ or ‘toy’. 3. Between two vowels, it is like [y] in the word ‘coyote’. Listen and repeat: ТАЙ ПОЙ ЙОГА ЙОТА БОЙКОТ КОЙОТ Full Russian Pronunciation Course – If you want to support my podcast
Ы and И in Russian
09/01/2020 Duration: 05minИ [ee] – Russian И is one of the so-called soft vowels (we will talk about them in the next lessons). It is shorter than the sound in the words ‘people’ and ‘feet’. Try to make a short and long И sound. It is important to understand the position of your tongue. This will help you later when we speak about the soft consonants. Ы [ih] – Russian Ы is unique. There is no such sound in English. I will teach how to pronounce it in several ways (watch the video). Ы, ПЫ, БЫ, МЫ, ВЫ, ФЫ, ГЫ, ДЫ, НЫ, СЫ, ЗЫ, ТЫ, КЫ; ЫП, ЫБ, ЫМ, ЫВ, ЫФ, ЫГ, ЫД, ЫН, ЫС, ЫЗ, ЫТ, ЫК. My tutorial on YouTube – Full Russian Pronunciation Course – If you want to support my podcast
Russian consonants П Т К
29/04/2019 Duration: 11minRussian pronunciation lesson number five! Today we speak about Russian consonants П Т К. Let's practice! Read this: П ПОСТ, ПАКТ, СУП, ПУМА, ПАНАМА. Т ТАМ, ТУТ, ТОН, СТОП, МОСТ, СТОП! ТАМ МОСТ! МОСТ ТУТ? НЕТ, МОСТ ТАМ. К КОТ, ЛУК, КАК, КЛАСС, КАК КОТ? КЛАСС! My site – My YouTube – My Instagram – If you want to support my podcast
Russian consonants Д Н Л З С
20/03/2019 Duration: 08minRussian pronunciation lesson number four! Today we speak about Russian consonants Д Н Л З С. Let's practice! Read this: Д. ДА. ДО. ДОМ. ДАМА. ДВА. МОДА. Н. НА. НО. НАМ. НАДО. КАНАДА. Л. ЛА. ЛУ. ЛО. ЛУК. ЛАК. ЛОМ. ЛАМА. ЛУНА. КУКЛА. МАЛА. КУКЛА МАЛА. З. ЗА. ВАЗА. ЗВУК. ЗАМОК. С. СОН. НОС. САМ. СТУЛ. My site – My YouTube – My Instagram – If you want to support my podcast
Vowel reduction. Unstressed O and A
12/03/2019 Duration: 05minRussian pronunciation lesson number three! O in the unstressed syllable turns to the sound [uh]. It’s something between А and О. Let's practice. Read these words: ОКНÓ, МОСКВÁ, ЛÓНДОН, МОЛОКÓ, КОТ, КОТÁ. My site – My YouTube – My Instagram – If you want to support my podcast
Russian letters М Б В Ф Г
10/03/2019 Duration: 06minRussian pronunciation lesson number two! Today we speak about the consonants М Б В Ф Г. They are very close to their English fellows:) Russian M sounds like [m] in "mom" and "March". Read these Russian words out loud: МАК, МАТ, ТОМ, МУ, МАК ТАМ, ТОМ ТАМ?. Russian Б sounds like [b] in "bank". Read these words: БУМ, БОК, БАБА. Russian В sounds like [v] in "vote". Read these words: ВОТ, ВАТА, ВАМ, ВОТ ВАТА. Russian Ф is transcribed as [f] like in "fact". Read these words: ФАКТ, ФОТО, ФАТА. Russian Г is transcribed as [g] like in "go". Read these words: ГУБА, ГАММА, БУМАГА. My site – My YouTube – My Instagram – If you want to support my podcast
Russian vowels А О У Э
27/02/2019 Duration: 06minRussian pronunciation lesson number one! Today we speak about the "hard" vowels А О У Э. They are very close to their English fellows:) Russian A sounds like [ah] in father, nine, line. Read these Russian words out loud: МАК, АКТ, КАК, ТАК, КАК ТАК. Russian O sounds like [oh] in walk, law, fault. Read these words: КОТ, ТОМ, ТОТ, КТО, КОТ ТОМ, КТО ТОМ. Russian У sounds like a short version of [oo] in noodles. Read these words: ТУТ, УМ, МУКА, КУМ. Russian Э is transcribed as [eh]. Like in words Eddie, man. Read these words: ЭТА, СЭМ, ЭМУ. My site – My YouTube – My Instagram – If you want to support my podcast
Introduction to Russian Pronunciation Podcast
02/02/2019 Duration: 04minHello everyone! My name is Daria Molchanova. In this brief intro, I just tell what this podcast is about. Spoiler alert – it's about Russian pronunciation! Where to find me? My site – My YouTube – My Instagram – See you soon:)