Babbling Books



I'll be reviewing my favorite books and interviewing incredible authors like Alisa Kwitney, Ben Phillipe, and Dhonielle Clayton. All interviews are arranged with the incredible Oblong Books & Music in Rhinebeck, New York!


  • Huda Fahmy (Yes, I'm Hot in This!)

    27/04/2020 Duration: 22min

    Welcome back! Today, I'll be interviewing Huda Fahmy, author of the Yes, I'm Hot in This comics! Huda's website is and her Twitter/Insta is @yesimhotinthis. Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily! Ramadan Mubarak!

  • LL McKinney

    24/02/2020 Duration: 20min

    Welcome back! Today, I'll be interviewing LL McKinney, author of A Blade So Black! Gabby's website is and her Twitter is @elleonwords. Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily!

  • Gabby Rivera

    27/01/2020 Duration: 12min

    Welcome back and happy MLK Jr. Day! Today, I'll be interviewing Gabby Rivera, author of Juliet Takes a Breath! This interview was hosted by Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, New York. (their website is and their Twitter is @oblongbooks)! Gabby's website is and her Twitter is @quirkyrican. Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily!

  • Mary HK Choi

    06/01/2020 Duration: 13min

    Welcome back! Happy holidays & happy New Year to all. Today, I'll be interviewing Mary HK Choi, author of Emergency Contact and Permanent Record! This interview was hosted by Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, New York. (their website is and their Twitter is @oblongbooks)! Mary's website is and her Twitter is @choitotheworld. Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily!

  • Elizabeth Keenan

    26/11/2019 Duration: 09min

    Today, I'll be interviewing Elizabeth Keenan, author of Rebel Girls! This interview was hosted by Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, New York. (their website is and their Twitter is @oblongbooks)! Elizabeth's website is and her Twitter is @badcoverversion. Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily!

  • Margaret Owen

    11/11/2019 Duration: 13min

    Today, I'll be Skype-interviewing Margaret Owen, debut author of The Merciful Crow! (Apologies for the less-than-ideal audio quality.) Margaret can be found on Twitter and Instagram as @what_eats_owls! Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily!

  • Nancy Furstinger

    30/09/2019 Duration: 11min

    And I'm back! Today, I'll be interviewing Nancy Furstinger, author of many, many books about the animals in our lives & how we should treat them. This interview was hosted by my very own school's book fair! Our books were supplied by the Golden Notebook in Woodstock New York, where I am now employed. ( My equipment this time was borrowed from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing. Nancy's website is, her Twitter & Instagram is @animalauthor, and she's also on Facebook.  Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily!

  • Rebecca Kim Wells

    16/09/2019 Duration: 12min

    Today, I'll be interviewing Rebecca Kim Wells, author of "angry bisexual YA" book Shatter The Sky!  This interview was hosted by Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, New York. (their website is and their Twitter is @oblongbooks)! My equipment is from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing. Rebecca's website is and her other social media is @rebeccawriting. Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily!

  • Rory Power

    02/09/2019 Duration: 11min

    Today, I'll be interviewing Rory Power, author of New York Times bestseller Wilder Girls! This interview was hosted by Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, New York. (their website is and their Twitter is @oblongbooks)! All my equipment is from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing. Rory Power's website is Her Twitter is @itsrorypower.  Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily!

  • Gretchen Primack

    19/08/2019 Duration: 10min

    Regular every-other-Monday episodes are starting again! Today, I'll be interviewing Gretchen Primack, a fantastic poet.  Gretchen has written a book I neglected to mention in my introduction called Doris' Red Spaces. She also wrote The Slow Creaking of Planets and cowrote The Lucky Ones with Jenny Brown. This interview was hosted by my very own school's book fair! Our books were supplied by the Golden Notebook in Woodstock New York. ( (This is the store Gretchen works at, so definitely check it out!) All my equipment is from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing.  Gretchen's website is Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily! 

  • Fiona (my cousin)

    24/06/2019 Duration: 18min

    Hello! (Still in Greece, if anybody is wondering. It's wonderful.) Today I'll be talking with my very own cousin Fiona about Norse mythology. (She's a little quiet sometimes!) Fiona can be contacted through Twitter @hatsonbread! You can find me on Twitter @babblinglily. All equipment from RadioKingston, whose website is Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. (also, I just ordered business cards and i'm super excited!!)

  • Andrew Moore

    10/06/2019 Duration: 11min

    I am currently in Greece. It is sunny and beautiful. And yet... my podcast listeners come first. :) Today, I'll be interviewing Andrew Moore. Is he an author? No! He's the first photographer I've gotten the pleasure of interviewing!  This interview was hosted by my very own school's book fair! Our books were supplied by the Golden Notebook in Woodstock New York. ( All my equipment is from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing.  Andrew is on Instagram as @andrewlambdinmoore, on Facebook, and has a beautiful website: Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily! 

  • Jennifer Donnelly

    27/05/2019 Duration: 13min

    My voice is currently recovering from a bout with allergies. Argh. Today, I'll be interviewing Jennifer Donnelly, author of many YA and adult books! Her titles include the Tea Rose trilogy, the Seafire trilogy, the new Stepsister, and many more incredible books!  This interview was hosted by Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, New York. (their website is and their Twitter is @oblongbooks) !  All my equipment is from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing.  You can find Jennifer on many social media sites as @JenWritesBooks and her website is! Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily! 

  • Lynne Cherry

    13/05/2019 Duration: 15min

    Do I sound out of breath? Do I? DO I? Well, I am. (I keep thinking if I breathe it'll mess everything up!) Today, I'll be interviewing Lynne Cherry, author of many, many successful children's books! (Like The Great Kapok Tree, which means a lot to me as it was the first play I ever did!) We'll be talking about writing, illustrating, and her Young Voices For the Planet movies, along with much more! This interview was hosted by my very own school's book fair!  All my equipment is from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing.  Lynne is on Face book and has a fantastic website, Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Find me on Twitter @babblinglily! 

  • Ben Philippe

    29/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Today, I'll be interviewing Ben Philippe, author of The Field Guide to the North American Teenager! We'll be talking about writing, outlining, and possibly Gilmore Girls (slight spoiler alert). Special guest is my brother Oliver.  This interview was hosted by Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, New York. (their website is and their Twitter is @oblongbooks)  All my equipment is from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing.  Ben is on Twitter @gohomeben and has a wonderful website, Music is "Aspire" by Scott Holmes.

  • Carol Goodman

    16/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Today, I'll be interviewing Carol Goodman, author of many successful novels! We'll be talking about her first story (hint: horses are involved), and more literature- and writing-related things! This interview was hosted by Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, New York. (Here's their website:  All my equipment is from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing.  Carol can be found on Twitter @C_Goodmania and on Facebook as Carol Goodman! Her website is   Music is "Problems" by Oliver and "Aspire" by Scott Holmes.

  • Dhonielle Clayton

    15/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Today I'll be interviewing the amazing Dhonielle Clayton about her new book, The Everlasting Rose, and writing in general! This interview was hosted by Oblong Books and Music in Rhinebeck, New York. (Here's their website:  All my equipment is from Radio Kingston. Their website is, and I encourage you to check them out and give their shows a listen! They're pretty amazing.  Dhonielle can be found on Twitter @brownbookworm! Her website is   Music is "Problems" by Oliver and "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Follow me on Twitter @babblinglily.

  • Welcome!

    15/04/2019 Duration: 49s

    Welcome to my podcast, Babbling Books! Music is "Problems" by Oliver and "Aspire" by Scott Holmes. Oblong Books and Music is located in Rhinebeck, New York. Their website can be found here.