Hair Clips - Hair Loss Podcast



Hair loss is one of the most confusing topics because there are so many companies selling sh*t that doesn't work. We're here to set the record straight. Dr. Kumar, hair loss expert answers all of your hair loss questions. We cover: what doesn't work (snake oil), what does work (science) and how hair loss affects your everyday life (lifestyle). Send questions to, and we'll add them to the show. Dr. Kumar and Munday are the founders of Hair to the people!


  • Can women use finasteride to help hair growth?

    29/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    Another one of the most effective treatment options for hair loss in men but can women use finasteride too? We interrupt Dr. Eisinger while she's reading and listening to Willow Smith to find out!

  • Can women use Minoxidil to help hair growth?

    29/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    Minoxidil is one of the most effective treatment options. We know that men use Minoxidil (also known as rogaine) for hair growth but can women use it too? We interrupt Dr. Kumar's hair appointment to find out!

  • Does blow drying hair cause hair loss?

    29/10/2019 Duration: 02min

    This is a confusing one - it seems like having a lot of heat on your hair would cause damage but who really knows. We wanted to expert's take so we asked Dr. Kumar. We also asked about the REALLY expensive ones - are they worth the cost? We snuck up on Dr. Kumar as he was checking his hair in the mirror. 

  • Does washing hair impact hair loss?

    29/10/2019 Duration: 02min

    It's common to hear our hair loss clients say that they wash their hair less frequently to "give their hair a break" so we're answering the question, does washing hair impact hair loss? We catch Dr. Kumar listening to 2pac and find out!

  • What happened to Kourtney Kardashian's hair?

    29/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    In a recent episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kourtney experiences hair loss. What exactly was it? What did she treat it with? Dr. Kumar brings the truth. 

  • What happened to Lebron's hair?

    29/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    This week during the Laker's game, one of Lebron's teammates pointed out something about his hair. Dr. Kumar let's us know what it was. 

  • When do you tell your significant other about your hair loss?

    29/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    This is a daunting question for many people in a relationship, especially a new one. Dr. Kumar gives us some tips on when and how to bring it up!

  • Does PRP hurt?

    22/10/2019 Duration: 51s

    PRP is a relatively recent treatment option. It's been used in athletes for years and is now used to treat hair loss. We learn from someone who's had it done - is it painful. This time, Dr. Kumar does the question asking and sneaks up on Munday. Dr. Kumar needs to work on his greeting skills. 

  • What effects does pregnancy have on hair loss?

    22/10/2019 Duration: 02min

    We often hear that women can lose hair after pregnancy. We learn if that's true and if it's possible to treat! But first, we catch Dr. Kumar listening to some R&B.

  • What is Telogen Efflivium?

    22/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    With so many different types of hair loss, it's important to know which one you have because treatments vary. TE (as it's commonly referred to) is interesting because it's more temporary. Dr. Kumar drops knowledge on us.

  • If I have people in my family with hair loss does that mean I'll definitely have hair loss?

    22/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    We find out what hair loss in the family means for you. We also find out what no hair loss in the family means. We snuck up on Dr. Kumar and ambushed him to get the TRUTH!

  • Does coloring your hair affect hair loss?

    22/10/2019 Duration: 49s

    Often times when women experience hair loss, we hear them say, "I'm just going to give my hair a break and not do anything to it." We find out if that matters. We also find out Dr. Kumar's favorite song - it's weird. 

  • If you lose hair from chemo can you treat it like other types of hair loss?

    22/10/2019 Duration: 02min

    Find out if you can treat hair loss from chemotherapy. 

  • Intro

    18/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    Why you should listen to this podcast. Dr. Kumar is one of the only dermatologists who specialize in hair - in the world. This doctor LOVES hair! He treats Women, Men, Transgender, Children and all of the toughest cases. Learn yo' self. 

  • Is it normal to lose 100 hairs per day?

    17/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    Shedding freaks us out. Dr. Kumar answers the question of what's a normal amount to shed. Turns out, we each have 100,000 hairs on our head!

  • Minoxidil - does 10% work better than 5%?

    17/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    Minoxidil is an effective treatment option for most people. Sometimes, when people see their results, they want to go from 2% or 5% up to 10%. We asked Dr. Kumar if a going higher than 10% is more effective.

  • Does rubbing onion juice on your head grow hair?

    17/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    We felt like we knew the answer to this but we decided to ask Dr. Kumar just in case. This has been on many message boards so we're clearing the air and finding the truth! He also explains a unique characteristic of the only animal that keeps getting more hair as it gets older. Pattern hair loss in reverse, maybe pattern hair gain?

  • Does collagen work to grow hair?

    17/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    Dr. Kumar sets us straight and answers the question, does collagen work to grow hair? Many people debate this topic but we figured, why debate when you can ask a doctor and get the truth?

  • Can you lose hair down there?

    17/10/2019 Duration: 01min

    Dr. Kumar answers the hair loss question that most people are thinking but never ask. Can you lose hair down there, in the pubic area? In this episode, we spotted Dr. Kumar walking through the streets of New York City and he graciously answered our question!

  • Biotin - does it grow hair?

    11/10/2019 Duration: 02min

    Dr. Kumar ends the debate and tells us if biotin works to grow hair!