United Church of Christ. Tiffin, Ohio. William Brandes Consulting



United Church of Christ, broadcasting from Tiffin, Ohio. I cover topics of interest to the local congregation in the area of web development, especially podcasts. I offer my opinion on how these tools can make a difference in the outreach of your church. There are exciting new trends that make podcasting a necessary tool for your congregation. I am blind, so I also discuss what it's like from this side of the fence.


  • 041519. United Church of Christ. Tiffin, Ohio


    United Church of Christ. Tiffin, Ohio. Starting with a song. My interpretation of You Are, found in the Sing, Prayer and Praise songbook published by the United Church of Christ. My interpretation? Vocal of one verse plus the refrain. Tele Squire guitar, and, Fender backstage amp along with G2 effects pedal.

  • 041619. United Church of Christ. Tiffin, Ohio


    United Church of Christ. Tiffin, Ohio. In this broadcast I offer the reasons why your church should be providing a podcast. Perhaps you already offer your recorded services archived on a platform such as Youtube. Or, perhaps you provide a live broadcast with one of the many streaming options. Or, perhaps you stream live with Facebook. These are fine options, however, producing a podcast offers target reach you might not have thought of. In this podcast, I will provide you with those reasons why you should think about a podcast for your congregation. It's the future that is not highly regarded by the mainstream church. But, that could be a costly mistake!