Nite Ev Sermons



Sermons from Nite EV Church focusing on the life changing message of Jesus from the Bible.


  • Holy Love


    Is being a Christian all about oppressive rules and restrictions? Andrew Heard speaks on Hebrews 13 the challenging yet good commands to us, particularly that marriage should be honoured by all, for the good of us and wider society.

  • Fear and Joy


    The writer of Hebrews draws the sermon to a close with strong, emotive descriptions of the fear and joy of coming to God. Andrew Heard helps us understand the warning and celebration of grace in this passage.

  • Enduring hardship as discipline


    Hebrews 12. Jono McKeown explains how God's perfect discipline through hardship refines and shapes us to be more like Jesus.

  • Run the race


    How do you finish life well? Andrew Hayes encourages us from Hebrews 12:1-3 that the key is to keep running the race of the Christian life by getting rid of everything that makes it harder, sinful or not, and looking at Jesus for help.

  • What faith does


    Jono McKeown unpacks Hebrews 11 - what faith does.

  • Confidence to draw near


    Is it really that simple that a person can draw near to the holy and living God, by the blood of Jesus? Andrew Heard explores the human tendency throughout history to add works to God's free offer of grace in Jesus.

  • Once for all forgiven


    Are you clear whether you are forgiven by God? Hebrews 10 makes clear how we can be made perfect once for all through the sacrifice of Christ! Dan Ford takes us through it.

  • The new and better sacrifice


    The Holy Spirit, along with the Hebrews author, teaches us that the Old Covenant sacrifices were not able to bring people into God's presence, because they couldn't clear people's consciences. In this sermon Todd Parry-Jones shares with us that Jesus' sacrifice, once for all, is INFINITELY BETTER - it cleanses us of our sin, and clears our guilty consciences, so that we can draw near to God with confidence!

  • The New and Better Covenant


    Every religion on the planet requires a "do" (works-based) system, except one... Andrew Heard explains from Hebrews the new covenant of Jesus, the only true way to approach God.

  • The Bible's truth is for everyone


    Telling the truth about what the Bible says about ALL people... Dave Jensen explains from Ephesians 2, the diagnosis the Bible makes about all people and yet the amazing grace we can all have in Jesus.

  • Men & Women


    Our culture is in the middle of a massive social experiment in reshaping the relationship between men and women. But is this really leading to freedom? Andrew Heard digs into the reasons for this movement and highlights the truly beautiful and freeing picture held out in the Bible.

  • Jonah's Unjust Anger


    Have you ever been angry with God? Disappointed with God? Andrew Heard challenges us to be raw with our feelings towards God as we see in Jonah 4 who He is that forgives and saves.

  • Jonah at Nineveh


    Are people basically good or basically bad? Dan Ford surveys the evidence in Jonah 3.

  • Jonah at Sea


    Todd Parry-Jones speaks on the book of Jonah, explaining that it does two things for us: First, shows us that our God is gracious and loves to show mercy even to the most undeserving. Second, it points us to our Lord Jesus Christ and the incredibly gracious salvation we have in him.

  • Wisdom


    Where is wisdom? Where is understanding? Using Job 28, Andrew Heard shows us how to read the Bible and seek out the wisdom of God.

  • God's Kindness


    Jono McKeown shares from Job 42 the abundant mercy of God in all seasons.

  • Out of the storm


    Like Job, we are sure that God is running the universe wrong. When God finally speaks "out of the storm" to answer Job, it's not the answer he is expecting. Andrew Heard helps us understand the God of love and what he says here.

  • Is God Unjust?


    The confusion of suffering raises the question "Is God fair?" Andrew Hayes looks at what we can learn from Job's approach to wrestling with this. When we hold on to both God's fairness as well the deep unfairness of suffering, we find the fuel for hope.

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